Friday, September 25, 2009

You need to know

For the purpose of this post my name is Mr. O, and I must ask you to print or save this page. It is very likely that this blog will be taken down within days of this posting, so you need to take this information for yourself if there is any hope for what I mean to accomplish. This information needs to be spread as widely as it can, because by visiting this blog you are putting yourself at risk. The more who know, the less risk any of you are in. Thank you.

I have been a psychoanalyst at a secret gnenvomret institute in the U.S. for nearly six years. Please keep reading. My job is to analyze the subjects of an ongoing study concerning individuals who have shown unnatural supersensual abilities. I will call them "pshcyics" for the sake of general familiarity with the term. Please keep reading. The pshcyics I have analyzed are by no means of the caliber represented by fictional pshcyics, but the purpose of the institute is to harness the transmundane abilities of our subjects so that their abilities might be useful to the gnenvomret. Progress has been minimal.

Our subjects, the pshcyics, are treated like rabid dogs, caged and waiting for the bullets in their brains. Their ages range from infancy to middle-age. The majority of them can only display their talents in an unconscious or hypnotized state-- thus, my job. I've never seen it myself, but I know that the subjects are beaten into unconsciousness by some analysts. I am told that forced inertness amplifies the pshcyics' abilities, but I have yet to practice it myself. I have implicitly assented to this treatment for nearly six years. Forgive me.

The younger subjects have very limited telknieteic abilities. We have been particularly interested in their capabilities in regard to bullets and explosives. At best, one of them can embed a bullet in solid pine wood. We have not found out how to aim or modify the telknieseis at all, but it has evinced lethal potential. We also have not discovered why the young subjects are telknieteic and the older ones are not. It could be a question of cranial development, or it could be coincidence due to the lack of diversified subjects. There are 14 of them, and ten are prepubescent.

The older subjects go into varying states of "deja vu". They can effectively predict future events almost a day in advance when they are in REM sleep, and their predictions can cover a time frame of an hour or more. As I mentioned before, progress has been negligible. We have only one recorded instance of a prearranged prediction; all others have yielded useless foresight. It is a gift from God that these people possess, but they are treated like plague-carriers.

Only one subject is otherwise a regular person. The remaining subjects all have severe mental and/or physical disabilities. These people are being held against their will in a facility that does not serve their long-term medical needs. It has become apparent to me that no amount of study can yield significant results, and these people are slowly dying. I lied before; I have beaten them. They need help.

DIRECT ACTION WILL NOT HELP. Do not attempt any manner of confrontation! I want lives to be saved, not lost. Please do not take matters into your own hands. This plan can work.I repeat: The more who know, the less risk any of you are in. The gnenvomret can not silence a great mass of people; their own soldiers would turn against them, and the secret would still be exposed. They CAN silence individuals. They will silence me. I will continue to post for as long as I can.

PLEASE SAVE THIS PAGE. This knowledge can not be lost with this blog. Copy and paste it, print it, save it somehow. Give it to friends, family, and strangers. I am not crazy. Please let me do this for them.

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